Morgan Motors in Malvern, Worcestershire

Morgan Motors in Malvern, Worcestershire

Before starting my 3rd year at university, I decided to visit the Morgan factory in Malvern, Worcestershire. Morgan Motors builds classic sports cars (the PlusFour and the PlusSix) and the recently announced Super 3 tricycle, which is the replacement for the Morgan Three Wheeler. Morgan distinguishes itself from other sports car manufacturers by building their cars with traditional craftsmanship and appropriate modern technology, not to mention the very exclusive design. The plant in Malvern has been in operation for over 110 years.

Vehicles built by Morgan feature 3 predominant materials: ash wood, leather and aluminium. All modern Morgans feature an aluminium shell that serves as the structural part of the vehicle. Ash wood is used create the underlying structure for the doors, the fenders and boot lid, onto which aluminium sheet-metal are sculpted by hand.

Not only in exterior details, Morgan also offers high levels of individual modifications to the interiors, which are dominated by leather:

Walking through the Malvern factory you can feel the heritage and the history of the manufacturer. Morgan embraces the positive parts about its past, but modernizes all other aspects that are required for the business.


Morgan cars are built from passion rather than necessity and the targeted market for these vehicles is very niche. Underneath the surface, Morgan cars are very modern – they offer unique design and craftsmanship, without any of the drawbacks of a classic motorcar. Above-all, Morgan aims to deliver experience – which it certainly delivers.

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